[AHappyPhD] Should you do a PhD? And some useful doctoral productivity mindset shifts

Hi Reader!

This week, we continue our "alternative productivity" series of new blog posts with one about an underdiscussed issue in the (doctoral) productivity literature: the mindset with which we approach tasks, systems and to-do lists in the doctorate. Also, we flash back to a post looking at the origin of many of our ailments, by discussing whether or not one should do a PhD at all (hint: of course, it depends -- but on what?).

New Post: Productivity as Avoidance, or How Not to Think about Doctoral Productivity (book extract)

If you are a doctoral student struggling to move your dissertation forward, especially in the face of additional jobs, teaching, family, or other obligations, the thought of becoming more productive can be very appealing – to the point of becoming an obsession. After our review of (somewhat caricaturesque) doctoral productivity and anti-productivity arguments, in this post I summarize some of the ideas in Oliver Burkeman’s recent book, Four thousand weeks, which I have found very helpful to reach a balance between my own productivity obsessions and the abandoning of all hope of being any good at my daily research activities.

Flashback: Big PhD questions: Should I do a PhD?

(Tweet-length gists of past posts, so that you don't have to read through the whole blog backlog)

One of the most underrated posts in the blog, this article goes through the thought process I'd follow to decide whether to start a doctoral degree or not, from my experience being around doctoral students and supervisors in academia for 15+ years:

Should you do a PhD at all? Think about your envisioned career path, consider relevant (but sometimes underpublicized) factors, and ponder whether you'd like to undergo a transformation. Read more at https://ahappyphd.org/posts/should-i-do/ and send it to anyone close to you facing this fork on the road.

May you never regret having decided to do a PhD!

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A Happy PhD

Looking for tips, tricks and advice to finish your doctoral thesis on time and with high spirits? Baffled by how little information is out there about how to support PhD students to become independent researchers? As an ex-doctoral student now co-supervising five students, I feel your pain. “A Happy PhD” is a blog (and a series of doctoral/supervisory courses) where I distil what has worked for me, as well as recent research in doctoral education, psychology and many other fields. Join our mailing list and get short doctoral advice in you inbox every week!

Read more from A Happy PhD

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Hi Reader! This week, we touch upon the two largest themes of our blog/newsletter. A new post in the blog continues our series on alternative ways to think about (and do) doctoral productivity. We also flash back to a post on dealing with addiction during the PhD. Oh, and you can see me talking about the actual research we do about these topics, in a recent webinar I did. New Post: Two Hundred Weeks: Productivity for Mortal PhD Students (book extract) Is there a way to be productive in our...